School Education Program
Project For Primary School Children – Help To Build Their Future!
With donations from our guests our EcoTravel team supports Rumah Baca Pintar Bersama (RBPB), a wonderful project for local primary school children in North Sumatra. Managed by our local partner organisation “Nature For Change”, around 50 children receive individual formal schooling every afternoon at the Timbang Lawang village education centre. The education is free of charge and offers qualified support in several school subjects, including English. The school concept was developed by committed local people with the aim of giving children from less affluent families a good start into their future. Children of all age groups receive free tuition in English, Religious Education, traditional dance, natural science and environmental protection.
We believe education is the best path to a better life in the future.
We want to enable local people to protect and preserve the Gunung Leuseur National Park by teaching them from an early age the understanding and love of nature. On a daily basis children and young people learn how important it is to protect natural woodland – especially when they are living on the edge of the Leuser ecosystem. Please support our educational program to shape the future of these young locals and thus preserve the Leuser woodland area for future generations. We hope that locals will find alternatives to palm oil as their source of income and work together to protect the Gunung Leuser National Park and its wildlife. This school concept includes an extracurricular afternoon program for students and a plan to build a library not only for children but for all villagers.
Even if you can only spare very little extra space in your luggage, e.g. for some simple colouring books with natural topics or small Indonesian-English dictionaries, please bring them with you! Your support will make a difference and help the very same locals that you will meet on our „Explore Local Life Tour“ or our „Homestay Experience“. We are also happy about small cash contributions which we convert into precious school material. Currently, more tables and benches are urgently needed. Just leave your donation with our EcoTravel office and we will pass it on to the school. One of our wonderful EcoTravel guests, who prefers to remain anonymous, made a very generous donation this year: a whole year’s teacher salary for 2019/20. Our entire EcoTravel team as well as our Nature For Change partners and all RBPB children say “THANK YOU SO MUCH”.