
In accordance with § 5 TMG (German law on tele-media communications)

Christina Ley
Sumatra EcoTravel
Meister-Veits-Gässchen 24
86152 Augsburg
Telefon : 00491743464266

German Tax ID: 103/244/91088
Registered as small business with Registergericht Augsburg

E-mail: info(at)

Sumatra EcoTravel acts as a disclosed agent for travel services provided by local Sumatran operator PT. SUMATERA ECOWISATA BUKIT LAWANG (Sumatra EcoTravel Bukit Lawang), Indonesia. Sumatra EcoTravel is not a party to the contractual relationship. Any queries or concerns relating to the product should be addressed to the tour operator:

Reg.-Nbr: AHU-642.AH.02.01
Jln Besar Orangutan No 10,
Bukit Lawang / Bohorok, KAB Langkat,
North Sumatra, Indonesia, Postcode: 20774
Phone: +62-822-76092633

Liability for online links
Our website contains links to websites of other providers. We do not have any influence on the content of websites offered by such third parts providers. This means that we cannot be held liable for the content on such websites. Sole responsibility for third party websites lies with their respective providers. At the time when a link to another website is created, we do monitor its content for illegal activity and only link websites without obvious illegal content. Permanent monitoring of third party websites for illegal content is not carried out. As soon as we are made aware of any breaches of law on third party websites, we will immediately remove such links.

Content on this website created by its provider is subject to German copyright laws. Any duplication, processing, publication and/or use beyond copyright limits is only possible with the written consent of its author or creator. Downloading or copying content from this site is prohibited. Any content on this website which has not been created by its provider is published observing the copyrights of third parties. Such content will be indicated as third party content. If you become aware of any breaches of copyright regulations on our website, please do not hesitate to contact us immediately. As soon as we are made aware of copyright violations we will remove such content at once.

Sources of text content used on this website:
Jasanta Sitepu, Sumatran Orangutan Society (SOS), Himpunan Pramuwisata Indonesia (HPI), Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser (TNGL), Visitor Centre Bukit Lawang, Bukit Lawang Community, Timbangjaya Homestay Community, Lembaga Pariwisata Tangkahan (LPT), Conservation Response Unit (CRU), Elephant Jungle Patrol, Community Tour Operator Tangkahan (CTO), Bukit Lawang Jeram (BLJ), Wikipedia, Wikitravel.

Sources of images displayed on this website:
Jasanta Sitepu, Christina Ley, Mark Boyd, Roman Huber, Iain Fraser, Frank Neßlage, Anita Zech (“Time Travel Bee”), Elena Stirner  & Dominik Jaschinski (“What’s Next”), Katharina Werni & Romeo Felgenreich (“Sommertage”), Krissy & Josh Sedivy (“Wanderlust Duo”), Antje Bomsdorf, Chamsi Dibs, Frank Willrich, Gary Senior, Thomas Graf, Richard Liwicki, Jason Miller, Petra Meerman, Alana Maucher, Stefan Siegl, Raphaela Buhk, Katja Seidel, Clare Sullivan, Stephanie Brändli, Garrett Hargiss, Uwe Wintrich, Annie van Es, Phil Leucippe, Andreas Schmidt, Franziska Priemer, Sabine Geier, Harry Rott, Marcus Schlund, Christine Henning, Susanne Schiele, Natalie Ramsauer, Nicole Fritz, Tabo Cottages, Annette Horschmann, Freddies Santai Sumur Tiga, Freddie Rousseau, Deli River Hotel, Kerina Sitepu, Ecolodge Bukit Lawang, Nachelle Homestay.

Webdesign/Logos/Graphic Design:
SeoWerk Augsburg, Markus Läbe

EU online dispute resolution:
If you have a problem with services purchased online, you can use a platform provided by the European Commission to make a complaint and have it resolved by an independent dispute resolution body: Please note that we are not ready or obliged to take part in any resolution procedures offered by an independent dispute resolution body.